Monday, November 21, 2011

You know what really grinds my gears?

You know what really grinds my gears?

Semi-truck drivers. I hate them. I understand that it's an important job, to transport our goods from place to place and everything, but they don't know how to drive worth a shit! And maybe there are those select few who do know how to drive, but that I have had an encounter with on the highway has no idea what they are doing. My main problems with them are as follows:

1. You are not in a small prius like car. You are in a giant metal trap o' death that is like ten times the size of my car. That means that you can and should not swerve in and out of traffic when
things are getting kind of heavy. I don't know what you drive in your life outside of work, but
I assure you that your semi truck is not equivalent.

2. Why is it that every single damn semi truck driver waits until I am almost even with them
in the passing lane to try to get over? I know that your fields of vision isn't all that good in
that big ass thing, but my freaking heart jumps into my throat every time I see your blinker
come on.

3. And finally. Your semi truck gives you no sense of entitlement. Please don't feel like you are
some sort of badass or famous person that we should all bow down to (not that we should do
that for a famous person). You can't just do whatever you want when you are driving, the
rules still apply to you my friend. This includes the following:
- Moving your big ass over when others are trying to get onto the highway from the ramp.
- Obeying the traffic laws just like the rest of us.
- When you park on the side of the highway to sleep or jack off or whatever else you are
doing in the back of the truck with your hooker, move far enough over so that we don't
feel like we are going to clip your ass.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

You know what really grinds my gears?

Wet sock. Yes, that's what grinds my gears. Fucking wet socks.

I just can't get over it. You may ask "What do you mean by wet sock? Like sweaty feet?" NO.

Example 1: A Christmas or two ago my stepmom bought my sister and I these weird boot things. Mine were gray with weird little sparkly stars on them. They looked like winter boots that you would wear outside in the snow or other cold climates. So thinking only about my impending warmth, I slipped those bad boys on the next morning and went to my car. So far so good! I then reach my destination and exit my motor vehicle. I then begin my walk toward the building. After about two and a half minutes my feet are suddenlty freezing as shit! I went ahead and finished walking and once I got inside, I quickly slipped into the bathroom. I don't know what was wrong with these fucking boots, but both of my feet were now soaking wet. Damn. So I walked around all day with wet, nasty, stinky socks on. It's uncomfortable, awkward, annoying, and eventually it can make your feet smell. I have enough of a problem with this as it is without the aid of the damn snow and water that I had to walk in to get to where I was going. And then I was just pissed for the rest of the day.

And that mom, is why I wear flip-flops in any weather. That shit gets dry!

Example B:

I think that this low quality ragetoon picture speak for itself, but I'm going to comment anyway. If you leave a puddle of water somewhere in my house for me to step in, I can and will make your murder look like an accident. I don't often wear socks around my house so either...
A. My feet will be in their birthday suit and I will slip and fall in the mess you have created!


B. I will get my freaking socks wet!

If you leave a puddle, clean that shit up. If I type "I hate wet sock" into a google search engine, I get over one million hits. So yeah. Do the world a favor and clean up your water, piss, vomit, or whatever it is that might turn my otherwise dry socks into a wet mess. Thanks.

And we're live...

Ah, first blog post. It feels fresh. This blog is going to be a lot different than the blog I had a few years ago. Basically, what this blog is going to be is a platform for "debate." Not only for me, but for anyone else. There is no censoring, no wrong or right answer. I want to be able to basically express my opinion and if anyone would like to do the same, please feel free! Some of the posts will be serious, and some not so much. So anywho, here is my "intro post." Next up will be my first "You know what really grind my gears?" post!